Geology, wilderness, wildlife, seasonal weather, and vivid memories may come to mind when thinking about the Sierra Nevada mountain range. There are plenty of opportunities for outdoor enthusiasts to explore the mountains and surrounding regions. Our new book section can expand your knowledge and appreciation for the geology of these areas.
A passionate fan of the Sierras is science fiction author Kim Stanley Robinson. He shares history, science, and his adventures in “The High Sierra: A Love Story.” Having made multiple treks into the heart of these mountains, and being a capable storyteller, his knowledge and enthusiasm for the Range of Light shines through in vivid detail. Color photographs enhance the reader’s experience for areas in the high country that few of us will ever see.
The drive up Highway 395 along the Sierra range is noteworthy for the evidence of volcanic activity in the region. Ancient cinder cones, old lava flows, craters, earthquake faults, and Mammoth Mountain are just a few of the geologic wonders of the area. Volcanologist and science journalist Robin George Andrews goes back in history, underground, above ground, and undersea in “Super Volcanoes: What They Reveal about Earth and the Worlds Beyond.” Andrews brings the reader up close and personal to all things volcano, including Hawaii’s Kilauea eruptions, the supervolcano Yellowstone region, the ocean floor, Krakatoa, and the volcanism on Mars, Venus, and the Moon. This is truly an educational adventure through time and space by a very capable guide.
Since we are already in rocky territory, if you will pardon the pun, our new book section can also take you from the enormity of mountains and volcanoes down to the basic and infinitesimal building blocks of geology. “Rocks & Minerals” by Chris and Helen Pellant educates the reader on basic rock and mineral composition, formation, hardness, origin, texture, classification, and more. Detailed color photographs assist with accurate identification of over 500 rocks and minerals. There are also suggestions for equipment and tips for collecting and organizing a collection.
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