New items continue to come into the library during our closure to the public, so there will be plenty of new books, audio books, DVDs, and art waiting for you to check out when our doors reopen! In the meantime, we have been highlighting our electronic databases for your ongoing use from home.
“NewsBank” is a valuable resource for all things newsworthy. There are 2,673 information resources to choose from covering a wide array of topics and interest. Local and national newspapers, magazines, journals, videos, transcripts, newswires, blogs, and web-only sources are only a couple of clicks away with many options as to ways of searching.
Subject searches are available in current events and hot topics in business, science, sports, people, health, technology, economics, government, and arts and literature. Sign up for “Create Alert” so you will be notified about new information in your areas of interest.
Newspaper options include current and past issues of local papers like the “Redlands Daily Facts,” “Press Enterprise,” and the “San Bernardino Sun.” State and national papers are also included, so if you want to know what’s going on in San Francisco, San Diego, Honolulu, Houston, Miami, Boston, Bakersfield or your old hometown, look in the A-Z Source List for current or past newspapers from those areas.
Transcripts of shows like “60 Minutes,” “20/20” and “Nightline” are available, as are the web-edition articles of “NPR” and “NPR’s” blogs. “Hispanic PR Newswire” is accessible in Spanish and English.
NewsBank also has 48 sources in their America’s News Magazines search. “Air & Space,” “The Atlantic,” “Field & Stream,” “Harvard Health,” “Mother Earth News,” “Newsweek,” “Parenting,” “Popular Science,” “Smithsonian,” and “Working Mother” are just a few of the titles. Check our “Flipster” database for more magazine titles.
Explore this Smiley Library database and more at and keep expanding your interests and knowledge.