March is Women’s History Month and what better way to celebrate women and how amazing we are than by reading novels written by women. Here are a few new titles that are available for check out at A.K. Smiley Public Library.
Bestselling author of Detransition Baby, Torrey Peters, gives us her latest title, Stag Dance, available for check out today. Stag Dance is comprised of three short stories and one novella, all of which discuss gender and gender identity. The story, Infect Your Friends and Loved Ones, imagines a future where everyone must choose their own gender.
Counterattacks at Thirty by Won-Pyung Sohn is about an office worker name Jihye, who has been silently enduring her semi-hostile work environment for years, until Gyuok is hired. Gyouk is a “rebel” of sorts and recruits Jihye and a few other office workers to commit small protests against the higher-ups they work with. Check out this title and the author’s previous novel, Almond.
33 Place Brugmann by Alice Austen takes place on the eve of the Nazi occupation in Brussels. This novel is about the eight residents who live at 33 Place Brugmann and how their lives are about to change forever. Readers of historical fiction will not want to miss this book.
The Moonlight Healers by Elizabeth Becker is a novel about a young woman named Louise Winston who discovers that the women in her family have magical abilities: they can heal with the touch of their hands. Readers of magical realism will not want to miss this enchanting novel about family, life, death, and magic.